A Pioneer in 100G, SDN and IPv6, NTT Com is Continually Ahead of the Curve
New York – November 10, 2015 – NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), the global data and IP services arm of Fortune Global 500 telecom leader NTT (NYSE: NTT), was named Best North American Wholesale Carrier for second year in a row at the Capacity Global Carrier Awards 2015 that took place in Paris on November 3. Celebrating innovation, vision and excellence, the Capacity Global Carrier Awards are among the most prestigious recognitions for the global and regional wholesale communications industry in the world.
The company was initially shortlisted due to its commitment to global connectivity, according to the awards program. A pioneer in 100G, SDN and IPv6, NTT Com is continually ahead of the curve, the program continued. The award for Best North American Wholesale Carrier was in recognition of NTT Com’s enhanced presence in the U.S., the judging panel said in a statement.
“NTT Com is fully committed to helping customers achieve their business goals in North America and around the world with the continued expansion of its Tier-1 Global IP Network,” said Michael Wheeler, executive vice president of the NTT Communications Global IP Network at NTT America. “We are honored that the Global Carrier Awards panel has recognized our efforts,” Mr. Wheeler added.
In the last few months NTT Com further expanded its Tier-1 Global IP Network with new PoPs in Boston and Marseille, continued deploying 100G technology around the world, increased capacity and reach of its submarine cables and added data centers, thereby providing more global connectivity options than ever before.
NTT Com also won Best Marketing Team at the Carrier Global Awards 2015. The company was previously recognized as Best Global (Data) and Best North American Wholesale Carrier in 2014 and Best Pan-Asian Wholesale Carrier in 2013. For more information about awards received by NTT Com, please click here.

About NTT Communications Corporation
NTT Communications (NTT Com) provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimize the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the company’s worldwide infrastructure, including the leading global tier-1 IP network, Arcstar Universal One™ VPN network reaching 196 countries/regions and 140 secure data centers worldwide. NTT Com’s solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.
About NTT Communications Global IP Network
Consistently ranked among the top networks worldwide, NTT Com’s Tier-1 Global IP Network covers North and South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, and provides the best possible environment for content, data and video transport through a single autonomous system number (AS 2914). NTT Com is one of the top two global wholesale IP providers and the number one provider in Asia according to the latest Dyn Wholesale Rankings.
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Media Contact
Fernando Costantino
Global IP Network
NTT Communications | NTT America